Tuesday 28 June 2011

A Female's Idea Of A Dream Car

By: Jayden Solle
A car is definately a man-thing! From the robust 4 wheel drive to the slim and streamlined sports vehicle, males can get quite lyrical when it comes to their vehicles. After all, they even refer to the car as a "she". I on the other hand, call my car a car. It has no life, mind or sensations and therefore I cannot quite grasp why a car should be female.

Come to think of it, there's maybe one thing that females and cars have in common. Both a car and the female specie can be quite a bit temperamental. In the female's case this is usually in the form of some or other mood swing, in the car's case it can be an unwillingness to start on a chilly morning or a less than enjoyable shudder if one of the tires is not properly balanced.

If women where in charge of designing cars, this is pretty much what the result would be:

Vehicles won't only be available in white, black, silver, red, blue and green. Oh no, we would provide a whole lot of choices! If a customer wants a pink car, they're going to have the option of a pastel pink, standard pink, purple-pink and even a pearl pink shade! Then there would also be the option of pink with glitter and pink without glitter! This is also applicable to purple, yellow, orange and other currently disadvantaged colours.

Secondly, you can forget huge, cumbersome steering wheels! Many women are small and petite, why do we have to fight with steering wheels the size of a tractor's wheel? Steering wheels would be much smaller, with tons of buttons! These buttons should also have suitable information to ensure that we know which button to press to open the window, which one to press to activate the massaging seat cover and which to press to raise the compartment between the front and rear seats to drown out the noise of our shouting children.

Thirdly, our cars will all have built-in navigation systems. But nothing like the complicated GPS systems currently available. We'd have the ability to say "take me to that cafe with the nice cheesecakes" and the car will know where to drive. Or "go get the kids and travel only on streets with no traffic". And the fancy models will also have a "wake me up when we get there" function!

There would also be more compartments for our gadgets. Why should cars only have cup holders and sunglass holders if we're lucky? Where should we put the wet wipes to wipe the childrens' faces, our make-up and our other "in case this happens" items?

And finally, forget about silly, tiny make-up mirrors in our window visors. How are we supposed to see in those small mirrors in any case? Our vehicles will have proper mirrors (which could possibly slide out from the roof to cover half of the front window) with built-in lights for proper mascara application.That's it! Don't you agree that simply by talking about your car as a "she" does not make it a female car? Article Source: http://www.articlesservices.com


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